Dave Hall has divided this retirement planning guide into what is causing the retirement landscape to shift, the why and the financial risks people will face during retirement, and the solution that will amount to getting through retirement safely, securely, and happily. As an invaluable source to a risk-based retirement approach, this book offers a deep dive into how retirement planning should be!
Traditional retirement plans have served Americans just fine for decades now. However, the retirement landscape is experiencing major shifts, but the retirement planning model has seen little to no changes. This is leaving people’s retirement exposed to financial risks that previous generations never experienced, let alone had to think about.
Packed with information and strategies to get to a safer retirement, Dave Hall breaks down each of the top ten financial risks and explains why risks such as longevity, long-term care, and even Social Security may cause people to run out of money in retirement. Backed by math and science, a risk-based approach drawn out by the leading retirement risk expert for the ever-changing retirement landscape is essential as more and more Americans run out of money in retirement. This book shows exactly what will cause financial loss and maps out how to eliminate the risks, so retirees are able to have money that outlives them and not the other way around.
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